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13 I Hope You Believe
13 I Hope You Believe

13 I Hope You Believe

It's season 2, ya'll!  Today we talk to Dr. Anum Saeed.  Anum Saeed is a Cardiologist, Lipidologist and physician scientist.  Through her advanced training she unravels ways to keep hearts healthy and prevent cardiovascular disease. Though her work digs deep into medical science you may also see her playing tennis, spending meaningful time with family, or sharing thoughtful inspirational quotes. She pauses to notice the beauty of nature, to bring her full presence to connect with friends, and contemplate the deeper meaning in life. Dr. Saeed spends just as much time caring for spiritual life as she does a physical one.  Today we talk to Anum about the intersection of spirituality and science. Image Description: A graphic slide with a photograph of a woman with long dark hair, sunglasses, and a smile reaching one hand up to a large white rose above, tipping its face down to greet her.  Text in pink and white over dark blue reads: Midnight Revolution: Episode 13: I Hope You Believe.  With Malasa and Kaherine, and special guest Dr. Anum Saeed."  Small text to the right of the photo reads: "I hope that from this day on you believe in yourself. Believe even when no one else does.  Believe that the human mind and body are the finest and most adaptable machines capable of immense work, love, and kindness. Believe in your gifts whether it’s your talent, your patience, your wealth, your time, your jokes, your strength, or your love, and give it to the service of those who need it the most - there are plenty.  Find your mission and stay on. Don’t think small: this year, go big."

13 I Hope You Believe

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