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22 Nurture Yourself, Nurture Your Relationship
22 Nurture Yourself, Nurture Your Relationship

22 Nurture Yourself, Nurture Your Relationship

In August's episode we talk with Marina Bluvshteyn.  Marina is a vivacious person wearing many hats in life —including being a dog mom of 2, boy mom of 3, and operations manager in the healthcare sphere. She is passionate about her various identities, including being a Ukrainian New Yorker. In her own words she: “stands by science, facts, equity, and Oxford commas.” She moves through life with a smidge of confidence, a dash of determination, and no shortage of utter hilarity.  In today's episode Marina talks about the importance of nurturing a relationship, and her evolution with learning how to actually do it!

22 Nurture Yourself, Nurture Your Relationship

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