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#319: Unpacking Peri/Menopause Nutrition Advice with Jenn Salib Huber
#319: Unpacking Peri/Menopause Nutrition Advice with Jenn Salib Huber

#319: Unpacking Peri/Menopause Nutrition Advice with Jenn Salib Huber

I’m joined by Jenn Salib Huber, RD and Naturopathic Doctor who helps women manage menopause without diets and food rules. We’re talking about why we gain weight during the menopause transition, the impact of restricting and dieting during this phase of life, whether you need to eat loads of protein and lift heavy weights, and what is truly beneficial to your health during this period of life. Show notes: summerinnanen.com/319   In this episode, we talk about: - Her experience with early perimenopause, - What’s happening in perimenopause and menopause - The urgency that kicks in during this phase and how it plays into diet culture, - That we can’t preserve muscle and pursue aggressive weight loss at the same time, - The difference between doing something consistently versus perfectly, - Advice on how to navigate information relating to menopause nutrition and health, - Plus so much more!  Get the shownotes: www.summerinnanen.com/319 Get the free 10-Day Body Confidence Makeover with 10 steps to feel better in your body at summerinnanen.com/freebies If you're a professional who has clients or students that struggle with body image, get the Body Image Coaching Roadmap for professionals at summerinnanen.com/roadmap Support the show via Ko-Fi - go to ko-fi.com/summerinnanen and you can make a monthly contribution. For as little as $5 a month, you can help to keep this show on the air for another season and you’ll get my mini-course “Conquering Negative Body Talk.

#319: Unpacking Peri/Menopause Nutrition Advice with Jenn Salib Huber

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