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"Redefining Expectations as a Queer, Afro-Latina Vocalist" ft. Sharisse Fransisco
"Redefining Expectations as a Queer, Afro-Latina Vocalist" ft. Sharisse Fransisco

"Redefining Expectations as a Queer, Afro-Latina Vocalist" ft. Sharisse Fransisco

Continuing our artist profiles for #Pride, today's guest is Sharisse Fransisco. She is a Queer, Afro-Latina  singer-songwriter and Vocalist, she performs as herself but also as the lead vocalist for the all-female punk soul band Top Queens. She deeply believes in the importance of intentionality in the messages we share with the world as artists; utilizing music and art for catharsis, to invoke emotions, but also to share our authentic truths, connect, and inspire unity and change. Sharisse is also a Mindfulness and Mental Health Advocate.  Sharisse tells me about her latest release “I am” and how she wrote it as a mantra to herself and others and we also talk about the expectations people have of her as a vocalist as a black woman. @iamsharissefransisco If you liked today's episode follow us and leave a comment or a review!

"Redefining Expectations as a Queer, Afro-Latina Vocalist" ft. Sharisse Fransisco

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