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"How to deal with Self-Doubt & Rejection" ft. music coach Lisa McEwen
"How to deal with Self-Doubt & Rejection" ft. music coach Lisa McEwen

"How to deal with Self-Doubt & Rejection" ft. music coach Lisa McEwen

In today’s episode I am chatting with songwriter and mindfulness coach, Lisa McEwen. Lisa is originally from Canada and made her way down to Nashville and  had success signing with BMG as a staff writer, penning songs for major labels and artists and is now setting out to help other artists achieve their goals as a coach and consultant. In this episode we chat about Self-doubt, determination, pivoting and how to focus on who we are as artists and individuals to achieve our goals and find success. If you're a songwriter out there who sometimes struggles with self-belief and wonders whether pursuing music is the right thing, this episode is for you! We cover self-doubt, rejection, determination, mindfulness, resilience and how to focus on what makes you unique! More details on Lisa here: http://musicandmindfulness.co  Please rate and leave us a review if you enjoyed today's episode!

"How to deal with Self-Doubt & Rejection" ft. music coach Lisa McEwen

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