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29.Juzi Live: The Future of Living
29.Juzi Live: The Future of Living

29.Juzi Live: The Future of Living

The challenge of this historic moment has accelerated the pace of innovation. As part of Juzi Podcast’s “Infinite Innovation” series, David and Siok explore “The Future of Living. From urban farms to renewable energy to smart homes, they explored the most inspiring ideas shaping the future of living. They also share Chinese phrases you can use when you riff about the future of living with your friends.   【无限创想】之【越活越新】 畅想城市的未来,从城市农场到绿色能源到智能家居,大卫和惜惜一起探索了智慧城市的无限可能。桔子播客本月探讨的主题是【无限创想】,这一期的桔子直播会跟大家聊聊【越活越新】。  For bilingual show notes on the Mandarin vocabulary shared during the episode, visit the official Juzi The Mandarin Podcast website at https://juzi.sg Here is a list of the Chinese phrases explained in the Bilingual Juzi segment: BILINGUAL JUZI 双语桔子 前人种树后人乘凉/ QIAN2 REN2 ZHONG4 SHU4 HOU4 REN2 CHENG2 LIANG2/ ONE GENERATION PLANTS A TREE TO PROVIDE SHADE FOR THE NEXT 留得青山在不怕没柴烧/ LIU2 DE2 QING1 SHAN1 ZAI4 BU4 PA4 MEI2 CHAI2 SHAO1 / IF THERE IS LIFE, THERE IS HOPE 变废为宝/ BIAN4 FEI4 WEI2 BAO3/TURNING WASTE INTO TREASURE 以旧换新/ YI3 JIU4 HUAN4 XIN1 / TRADE IN 可持续发展目标/ KE3 CHI2 XU4 FA1 ZHAN3 MU4 BIAO1/  SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) 智能/智慧 ZHI4 NENG2 /ZHI4 HUI4 /SMART 路由器/ LU4 YOU2 QI4/ROUTER

29.Juzi Live: The Future of Living

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