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How To Talk Good and Stuff, with Michael Chad Hoeppner (Speaking, Communication, Sales, Training)
How To Talk Good and Stuff, with Michael Chad Hoeppner (Speaking, Communication, Sales, Training)

How To Talk Good and Stuff, with Michael Chad Hoeppner (Speaking, Communication, Sales, Training)

Michael Chad Hoeppner, author, professor, and theĀ Founder and CEO of GK Training, shares the very specific background he and Adam have in common, and covers topics such as embodied cognition, the Lego trick for memorization, the 5 P's of vocal variety, a tactical exercise for sales people, the BAD speaking advice you've heard 100 times, being present for the audience, the risk in using prepared materials, and the parallels between sales and acting.Mentioned in this episode:Learn more at SouthwesternConsulting.com/Coaching/StudentsSouthwestern Student Coaching

How To Talk Good and Stuff, with Michael Chad Hoeppner (Speaking, Communication, Sales, Training)

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