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#1664 Dahlia Wakefield  Karly C  Catherine M Thompson  Faith Rumer  Andrea Robertson  Sista Jean & CB aka Pepper Mashay, Kristi Dixon Yow, PJ Brunson, Jess Novak, Emily Hurd, Lissa Coffey
#1664 Dahlia Wakefield  Karly C  Catherine M Thompson  Faith Rumer  Andrea Robertson  Sista Jean & CB aka Pepper Mashay, Kristi Dixon Yow, PJ Brunson, Jess Novak, Emily Hurd, Lissa Coffey

#1664 Dahlia Wakefield Karly C Catherine M Thompson Faith Rumer Andrea Robertson Sista Jean & CB aka Pepper Mashay, Kristi Dixon Yow, PJ Brunson, Jess Novak, Emily Hurd, Lissa Coffey

To get live links to the music we play and resources we offer, visit www.WOSPodcast.comThis show includes the following songs:Dahlia Wakefield - Right Here With You  FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYKarly C - Today I Get To Say  FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYCatherine M Thompson - Little Boat Moon  FOLLOW ON SOUNDCLOUDFaith Rumer - With Every Breath  Andrea Robertson - More Than Ever  FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYSista Jean & CB aka Pepper Mashay - Love is Callin  FOLLOW ON YOUTUBEKristi Dixon Yow - You were Shiny  FOLLOW ON YOUTUBEPJ Brunson - Reel Love  FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYJess Novak - Falling  FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYEmily Hurd - The Reverse Lissa Coffey & David Vito Gregoli - Like Ambrosia (feat Leela and Cooper Ladnier)  FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYEmily Nyman - My Sunny Blue  FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYJeannine Barr - Champagne KIsses  FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYDoreen Pinkerton - You for Me and Me for You  FOLLOW ON SPOTIFYCR Srikanth Symphonic Resonance - I Need This Love  FOLLOW ON YOUTUBEFor Music Biz Resources Visit www.FEMusician.com and www.ProfitableMusician.comVisit our Sponsor Ed & Carol Nicodemi at edandcarolnicodemi.comVisit our Sponsor Catherine M Thompson at catherinemthompson.comVisit our Sponsor Pamela Messer at pammesser.co.ukVisit our Sponsor Mandy Woods at www.mandywoods.comVisit our Sponsor Kick Bookkeeping at http://profitablemusician.com/kickVisit www.wosradio.com for more details and to submit music to our review board for consideration.Visit our resources for Indie Artists: https://www.wosradio.com/resourcesBecome more Profitable in just 3 minutes per day. http://profitablemusician.com/join

#1664 Dahlia Wakefield Karly C Catherine M Thompson Faith Rumer Andrea Robertson Sista Jean & CB aka Pepper Mashay, Kristi Dixon Yow, PJ Brunson, Jess Novak, Emily Hurd, Lissa Coffey

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