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Encuentro 22: Lauren Davila the Anthology Queen
Encuentro 22: Lauren Davila the Anthology Queen

Encuentro 22: Lauren Davila the Anthology Queen

Today’s episode is the first of what will hopefully be several episodes beautifully combining two areas of my life: my work on this podcast and my work as an author. My guest is Lauren Davila, editor of many anthologies, including two Latinx anthologies coming out this fall. I have a fantasy short story in one of those anthologies. So as we get closer to publication, I’m hoping to bring you some of the other Latinx authors I’m being published with in future episodes. Lauren and I have a wonderful conversation about fiction anthologies as community storytelling spaces and why she enjoys working on them. We also talk about the weird things that happen at Christian colleges and, briefly, whether you can still be Mexican and not like corn. All Latinx experiences are valid here, so let’s get right into this encuentro. Lauren's Twitter: @laurengilmore03 Lauren's Instagram: @laurentdavila Podcast recorded by Taylor Ramage and edited by Storm Miguel Florez Email the podcast at encuentroslatinxs@gmail.com

Encuentro 22: Lauren Davila the Anthology Queen

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