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914:  Unforgettable Presence with Lorraine K. Lee
914:  Unforgettable Presence with Lorraine K. Lee

914: Unforgettable Presence with Lorraine K. Lee

BioLorraine K. Lee is the bestselling author of Unforgettable Presence and a keynote speaker.Cultural BackgroundLorraine is of Chinese descent..Favorite Self Confidence QuoteYou gain confidence by trying new and scary things.Definition of Self ConfidenceSelf-confidence is someone willing to try new and scary things.  It's also knowing that you tackle something even if you don't know where to start.Her Life Before the Discovery of Self ConfidenceLorraine shares that she lacked confidence especially she used to work in corporate.  She felt scared, never wanted to rock the boat and just did what she was told to do.The “AHA” MomentLorraine was asked by the publisher to write a book and even though she felt like she wasn't ready, she also knew that she had to go for it and take the opportunity.Her Life After the Discovery of Self ConfidenceLife is great for Lorraine.  She is currently busy promoting her book and is open to new opportunities that may come her way. .The One Self Confidence Tip for the Listener Think of failures as learnings.Interview LinksLorraine's WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedInYouTubeIf you would like to connect with Sheena, here is the following:Connect with me: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok | LinkedIn | YouTube | WebsiteP.S. If you are looking for ways to help women in your company increase their self-confidence to become effective leaders, you can contact me as I hold workshops and talks on this subject. You can contact me here.P.P.S. Preorder my upcoming book Bridging the Confidence Gap. Click here to preorder your copy of the bookP.P.P.S. Order my book Wiley today. Click here to order your copy of the book. Want to manifest like a queen?  Click here to learn how.

914: Unforgettable Presence with Lorraine K. Lee

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