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In Case You Missed It:  American Greed- Behind the Scenes with Jerri Williams Ep. 144
In Case You Missed It:  American Greed- Behind the Scenes with Jerri Williams Ep. 144

In Case You Missed It: American Greed- Behind the Scenes with Jerri Williams Ep. 144

From back when we called it Fraud Busting.... Retired FBI economic crimes agent Jerri Williams visits Fraud Busting.  She’ll tell us the behind the scenes stories of her work on fraud cases including the ponzi scheme she helped bust that landed her on the CNBC TV show American Greed.  She’ll debunk myths about the FBI and tell us all about her podcast where she gets the real story on FBI cases and the books she’s written.  You don’t want to miss this one.  Help keep the show going and buy us a coffee. Your donation goes a long way. Here's the link so you can doneat today

In Case You Missed It: American Greed- Behind the Scenes with Jerri Williams Ep. 144

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