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Ep. 10 "Love is a Four Legged Word"
Ep. 10 "Love is a Four Legged Word"

Ep. 10 "Love is a Four Legged Word"

Episode 10: This Episode I will discuss losing your pet. How to grieve properly, express your emotions and how to move forward. Plus I will answer a question I was going to answer a while back :-) :How do I stop my dog from whining obsessively in the home for no reason? And Rocky the Coonhound is the Feature Pet of the Episode. Here's the Scooper: People Magazine- Dog in Cloud PhotoResources to Help Grieving for Your Pet:Dealing with GriefGood Grief; Rituals for Dealing with Grief- Elaine Childs-Gowell PHD.https://daybydaypetsupport.com/dealing-with-grief/Support Groupshttps://www.lapoflove.com/community/Pet-Loss-Supporthttps://petlosspartners.com/https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Grief_Support_Center/Grief_Support_Home.htmPet Prayers/Poemshttps://daybydaypetsupport.com/prayers-for-sick-pets/https://daybydaypetsupport.com/prayers-for-pet-loss/https://daybydaypetsupport.com/poems-about-pet-loss/Q&A:Why does my dog whine all the time, when they are okay?:Reasons Why:1. Physical needs- Rule out any medical injuries or illness2. Mental needs- Anxiety and stress or outdoor distractions can cause whining3. Attention and Boredom needs-frustration from lack of exercise,attention and activityHow To Minimize Whining:1. Ignore the Whining- no eye contact, turn your back, or remove yourself from the space.2. Don't scold- to a dog, any attention is better than no attention3. When giving attention, have your dog sit first- resets the focus elsewhere4. Reward calm behavior- reinforce good behavior, your dog will associate with it positively5. Plan ahead for prevention- have toys, chew treats, puzzles etc. available for distraction. MAKE SURE YOUR DOG IS PROPERLY EXERCISED!!!Rocky: http://bit.ly/HT-rockyraccoonHomeward Trails Animal Rescue:https://www.homewardtrails.org/Live in Falls Church, Arlington, McLean or Tyson's and need pet care? www.crcpetservice.comFollow me:IG: @crcpetserviceTwitter: @petfluffpodcastYouTube: Pet Fluff with C8y MaraHave a question, a suggestion for the show or you have a business or product and want to sponsor an episode? Email: petfluffpodcast@gmail.comEpisode 11: Premiering Wednesday August 5th: Its a very interesting topic! How animals are used to help our mental and physical state of being. Plus I will answer a basic and sometimes daunting question: What is the best litter for my cat?Check me out EVERY OTHER Wednesday of each month for NEW Episodes!Support the show (https://paypal.me/CLyon?locale.x=en_US)

Ep. 10 "Love is a Four Legged Word"

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