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Ep. 07 " Oh, All The Places You'll Go...With Your Pet."
Ep. 07 " Oh, All The Places You'll Go...With Your Pet."

Ep. 07 " Oh, All The Places You'll Go...With Your Pet."

Episode 07: This Episode I will discuss pet activities to do with your dog and cat.This will coincide with all the extra time we all have now and planning for future events! I will also touch on going to animal themed events for the pet-less animal lover. Plus, the Q&A of the episode I will tackle a social shy dog who forgets how to get social! And our Pet Fluff Feature of the Episode is cutie pie kitty named, Noel.Links for Reference:CDC Advisement for Animals to deal with Coronavirus:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/animals.htmlRed Rover Grant Opportunities for Pet Owners and Emergency Assistance:https://redrover.org/relief/Puzzle Toys for Your Pets: Dogs: https://www.k9ofmine.com/diy-dog-puzzlety-toys/Cats: https://cattime.com/cat-facts/how-to/18621-7-diy-cat-food-puzzle-toys-that-will-keep-your-kittys-brain-activeRabbits: https://bunnylady.com/diy-rabbit-toys/Teach Kitty High-Five:https://www.catological.com/teach-cat-tricks/Rabbit Sandbox and Playground: https://www.petfinder.com/pet-care/rabbit-care/designing-rabbit-playground/Doggy Day Out Participants by State: https://mutualrescue.org/doggydayout/Conventions:CatCon: https://www.catconworldwide.com/DogCon: https://www.dogconworldwide.com/PetCon: https://www.petcon.co/Super Pet Expo: https://www.superpetexpo.com/World of Pets Expo: https://www.worldofpets.org/Parrot Festival: https://www.parrotfestival.org/Q&A:Why Dogs Are Aggressive: https://www.thesprucepets.com/top-causes-of-aggression-in-dogs-1117877Training: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/clicker-training-your-dog-mark-and-reward/Automatic Eye Contact: https://www.clickertraining.com/files/auto-eye-contact.pdf Live in Falls Church, Arlington, McLean or Tyson's and need pet care? www.crcpetservice.comFollow me:IG: @crcpetserviceTwitter: @petfluffpodcastYouTube: Pet Fluff with C8y MaraHave a question, a suggestion for the show or you have a business or product and want to sponsor an episode? Email: petfluffpodcast@gmail.comEpisode 08: Premiering Wednesday June 10th: I will discuss the pubescent dogs, the similarities with a teenager! I will talk about defiance, misbehavior and hearty appetites! Plus in Q&A I will answer the question: What is the proper way to clean my dog's ears?ChSupport the show (https://paypal.me/CLyon?locale.x=en_US)

Ep. 07 " Oh, All The Places You'll Go...With Your Pet."

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