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Discomfort vs Danger - Safe ENOUGH Spaces
Discomfort vs Danger - Safe ENOUGH Spaces

Discomfort vs Danger - Safe ENOUGH Spaces

This week we’re going to dive into how discomfort doesn’t always mean danger. We’ll also explore how we need not look for guarantees of complete safety - because nothing can guarantee 100% safety and comfort for everyone. You’ll also learn about some ways we can practice stepping INTO discomfort when we’ve found our safe enough space.You will learn:// Why there’s no such things as 100% safe // The trap of equating comfort with safety // The difference between discomfort and true danger// How to use “safe enough” to step into discomfort for the good of our close relationships as well as the world around us// 6 ways we can make our spaces “safe enough”// 5 questions we can ask ourselves to gauge the safety of a situation and differentiate discomfort from true danger//How the ultimate safety is within us Resources:// Episode 211: Navigating Our Edges// Episode 246: Choosing to STAY During Challenging Times// If you’re new to the squad, grab the Rebel Buddhist Toolkit I created at RebelBuddhist.com. It has all you need to start creating a life of more freedom, adventure, and purpose. You’ll also get access to the Rebel Buddhist private group, and tune in every Wednesday as I go live with new inspiration and topics. // Want something more self-paced with access to weekly group support and getting coached by yours truly? Check out Freedom School – the community for ALL things related to freedom, inside and out. We dive into taking wisdom and applying it to our daily lives, with different topics every month. Learn more at JoinFreedomSchool.com. I can’t wait to see you there!// Have you benefited from even one episode of the Rebel Buddhist Podcast? I’d love it if you could leave a 5-star review on iTunes by clicking here  or on Spotify by clicking here.

Discomfort vs Danger - Safe ENOUGH Spaces

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