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Episode 7: Feminist vs. Feminazi
Episode 7: Feminist vs. Feminazi

Episode 7: Feminist vs. Feminazi

Hi Ladies, In this week’s episode, we’re getting a little more controversial than usual. We’re bringing out the big guns and talking about a very touchy subject…Feminism!It’s amazing that it’s such a polarizing eight-letter word, isn’t it?When someone says: “Why yes! I am a feminist” the general reaction is either an immediate eye roll and a disapproving grunt, or a “Yassss! Me too!” Mostly the former, in our experience. But why do people have such a strong dislike for a social movement that is fighting for the equality of all humans?That’s exactly what we’re discussing in this week’s episode: Feminism! Why it’s good, why it’s bad and exactly where we stand on the matter.As always we’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on our topic of discussion. Share the love (and opinions) on all our socials. We always love having a little online discussion with you!Socials: Facebook: Sjuut GroupInstagram: @sjuut.podcastTwitter: @sjuut_podcast
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