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The Gift of Mentorship with Wyjuana Montgomery - Ep 40
The Gift of Mentorship with Wyjuana Montgomery - Ep 40

The Gift of Mentorship with Wyjuana Montgomery - Ep 40

We always ask our guests if they could share one thing they wish they could tell their younger selves, and every answer is one of encouragement and deep wisdom. Their answer is often the reason why they are taking the time to record with us. They have played the role of being a mentor through the In Your Ellement podcast because they want to share with others lessons learned in their life's journey.Wyjuana Montogomery shares how mentorship can be one of life's greatest gifts as we can learn from people who have braved the paths before us. When mentors show up in our lives, Wyjuana shares how we can embrace and honor those who see us and want to invest into who we are working to become.---Wyjuana Montgomery is a highly regarded motivational speaker and conference producer, working with individuals, groups and organizations to empower themselves and their clients to show up authentically and present to the world the best version of themselves. Wyjuana is also the author of The Pain of Being Destined for More: Getting to the Next Level Spiritually, Professionally or Personally.wyjuana.com---In Your Ellement is a teen-hosted podcast covering conversations with teen allies. Sixteen-year-old host and TEDx speaker, Abby Jones, chats with some of the most inspiring educators, creators, and changemakers reflecting on their teen years, what makes them feel the most “in their element” on the daily, and things they wish they had known as a teenager.------> Check out our website!

The Gift of Mentorship with Wyjuana Montgomery - Ep 40

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