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Clive Stafford Smith-Human Rights Lawyer & Guantanamo Expert
Clive Stafford Smith-Human Rights Lawyer & Guantanamo Expert

Clive Stafford Smith-Human Rights Lawyer & Guantanamo Expert

In this episode of Tahmina Talks Immigration, I speak with Clive Stafford Smith- British American Human Rights Lawyer who is an expert on Guantanamo Bay detained cases having represented over 80 detainees held at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. He specialises in the areas of civil rights and working against the death penalty in the United States of America. He worked to overturn death sentences for convicts, and helped found the not-for-profit Louisiana Capital Assistance Center in New Orleans. By 2002 this was the "largest capital defence organisation in the South. He was a founding board member of the Gulf Region Advocacy Center, based in Houston, Texas. He currently works as the founder of Justice League in the UK. He can be reached at clive@justiceleague.org.ukTahmina Talks Immigration podcast series is produced and edited by Tamanna Jahan. Check out Tahmina’s books at www.tahminawatson.com and our startup visa series which is intended to be your toolbox for the success of your immigration journey.  Here is a link to her bestselling visa guide book: The Startup Visa: U.S. Immigration Visa Guide for Startups and Founders: Watson, Tahmina, Doughty, Caroline, Buhain, Venice, Vos, Troy: 9781735758572: Amazon.com: BooksHere is her policy book: The Startup Visa: Key to Job Growth & Economic Prosperity in America: Watson, Tahmina, Turnbull, Lornet, Feld, Brad: 9781735758534: Amazon.com: BooksBe sure to follow us on our website www.watsonimmigrationlaw.com and Tahmina’s author page on Amazon Amazon Author page and her author website www.tahminawatson.com. Sign to our blog- and connect with us on on social media:LinkedIn - Watson Immigration Law and Tahmina WatsonTwitter - @TahminaTalksInstagram - @TahminaTalksFacebook - Watson Immigration Law

Clive Stafford Smith-Human Rights Lawyer & Guantanamo Expert

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