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How Podcasting Can Help Your Agriculture Communication
How Podcasting Can Help Your Agriculture Communication

How Podcasting Can Help Your Agriculture Communication

[00:00:00] Sharon Idahosa: Hey, beautiful people. Indeed, that is one of my biggest pleasure, is always when I went to my own farm. So, I think it is important to first understand what a healthy relationship with food is, for us to know what it is not. Not trying. I can relate, I can relate. Selfish. So, you could be your own farmer priest. [00:00:19] Sharon Idahosa: Who knows? Trust, trust me when I tell you there will always be challenges. There will always be risks. Seems like we have a lot in common. Welcome to the Let's Talk Agriculture podcast show. And of course, it's your favorite girl, Sharon Idahosa. [00:00:44] Sharon Idahosa: Hello, beautiful people. Welcome to the Let's Talk Agriculture podcast show. I want to appreciate all of my listeners for being patient with me for the past two months. I mean, I really appreciate your support. So I had to go on a short break to welcome my little princess to the world. And I'm back now to, you know, bring fresh [00:01:00] episodes your way. So if this is your first time listening to the podcast, my name is Sharon Idahosa. [00:01:06] Sharon Idahosa: And I am the founder of Let's Talk Agriculture Limited, a public relations and communications firm specializing in agriculture. Now, Let's Talk Agriculture handles everything about your agriculture business. So if you're ready to build your brand, kindly get in touch with us at hello at letstalkagriculture.com [00:01:25] Sharon Idahosa: The website and email link will be available. So today my message is simple. I want to share with you all the impact of podcasting on your agriculture communication. So yes, you are an agricultural business founder and you run your own business, or you are an entrepreneur looking to connect and share your message with a wider audience. [00:01:49] Sharon Idahosa: Podcasting is one of the best ways you can do that. Now in agricultural communication, podcasting has emerged as a powerful tool or a medium to, you [00:02:00] know, share valuable insights, engage your audience and establish leadership and even showcase your business. You know, it allows you to freely connect and give to your target audience. [00:02:12] Sharon Idahosa: Making a mark in their lives, positioning your expertise right in front of them and becoming a go to person when they decide to buy. You see now podcasting can do a whole lot and in not just communicating your brand message or connecting with your target audience, it can also set you up for life. Now here are some of the key reasons. [00:02:34] Sharon Idahosa: Podcasting matters for your agriculture communication. Number one is that it helps you reach a global audience. Now, podcasting helps you to connect with more than just your target audience. You get to connect with farmers, researchers, industry professionals, Consumers and a lot more it doesn't just limit you to just your target audience It helps you to connect with more people more people [00:03:00] from across the globe get to listen and hear about you about your brand So leveraging podcasting will help you connect to a global audience Another one is that it helps you to build credibility now credibility is something that You need as a business owner, it is something that you need for your business. [00:03:17] Sharon Idahosa: So one of the best things that podcasting can do for you is to help build credibility. And that's one thing, like I said, that you need. Now, through podcasts, you get to share your insights, industry trends, engage with industry experts via your podcast. And this will help you to position yourself as a A trusted authority in the field. [00:03:37] Sharon Idahosa: Now, let's talk agriculture limited is a public relations and communications film, but yes, we have the let's talk agriculture podcast. And very soon you're pushing out the let's talk agriculture TV show. Now, podcasting has helped us to, you know, connect with the various and many, many, many stakeholders across the globe. [00:03:56] Sharon Idahosa: We've connected with so many stakeholders, so many [00:04:00] businesses, and we've given opportunities to a whole lot of them. So, you know. Composition themselves as an authority. Now we have succeeded in positioning ourselves as an authority in the agriculture sector. So this is the best way for you to build credibility. [00:04:14] Sharon Idahosa: And it's one of the ways for you to enhance your brand. So do well to leverage podcasting for your business. Now, the third one is it helps you to drive engagement. Now, podcasting in agriculture is not just about. Spreading information. It's about fostering a community one episode at a time. Right? So in the world of podcasting, you get to freely converse with your audience. [00:04:40] Sharon Idahosa: You get feedbacks and you build a community. Community is very important and podcasting will help you to do that. So when you start a podcast, it definitely help you to build a strong business, and I believe you want that. So what will tell key others about podcasting? Five years to get, you can get there in less than five years because you have [00:05:00] played your card differently and that's podcast. [00:05:03] Sharon Idahosa: So I hope that you learn from this short episode and very profound message. Learn from this episode and take your business to the next step. Learn to communicate your agricultural message through the podcast. So if you like to launch. Your podcast will elevate your podcasting skills, but you're not sure on how to go about it. [00:05:25] Sharon Idahosa: I can definitely help you. I train young professionals and executives looking to improve their communication skills and become professionals when it comes to podcasting. So if you like to learn or get started, visit coachli.co/sharonidahosa. I'll drop the link in the transcript, or you can also visit sharonidahosa.com. [00:05:46] Sharon Idahosa: Now, stay tuned for another episode from the Let's Talk Agriculture podcast show. My name is Sharon Idahosa and I am your host. Do well to subscribe to the Let's Talk Agriculture podcast. We are available on Apple, on [00:06:00] Spotify, on so many platforms that you can think of. Do well to subscribe and follow us on our social media channels. [00:06:07] Sharon Idahosa: We're on LinkedIn, we're on Facebook, and we're on Instagram. If you're ready to build your brand, make your agriculture business look more attractive, do well to visit letstalkagriculture.com. We have so much in store for you and I'm sure you don't want to miss it. Do well to subscribe and follow us. Once again, do enjoy your day. [00:06:25] Sharon Idahosa: Signing off, Sharon Idahosa.

How Podcasting Can Help Your Agriculture Communication

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