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Why Being Busy Isn't a Badge of Honour - with Crazy Busy author Thijs Launspach
Why Being Busy Isn't a Badge of Honour - with Crazy Busy author Thijs Launspach

Why Being Busy Isn't a Badge of Honour - with Crazy Busy author Thijs Launspach

Welcome to "How To Be...", guiding you through life's tricky topics and skills by reading through the best books out there. In modern society, busyness is often equated with success. Busyness used to be a virtue back in the old days before mobile phones and information overload appeared in our palms and began to fill every single idle void. Now it’s become a joy-sucking, and frankly unhealthy habit we all need to get real about. So how do we stop being over-busy? Hence, I spoke to psychologist and Crazy Busy author Thijs Launspach on managing being busy, as well as other experts' books to see if their advice can help all of us. Please hit subscribe to hear the whole series on life skills and social change! It should be short and sweet. I look forward to journeying with you through this maze of hacks.

Why Being Busy Isn't a Badge of Honour - with Crazy Busy author Thijs Launspach

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