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Navigating Chaos and Overwhelm: A 4-Step Survival Guide | HDM 416
Navigating Chaos and Overwhelm: A 4-Step Survival Guide | HDM 416

Navigating Chaos and Overwhelm: A 4-Step Survival Guide | HDM 416

If you feel that 2025 kicked off with an excess of horsepower —to the point where you are already holding on for dear life just to stay afloat (and it’s not even spring!)— this brand new episode of Her Dinero Matters may be just what you need. This week, we are finally kicking off a new season with a much-needed opening convo: What do you do when overwhelm starts knocking at your door? Intellectually,  we all know the world is constantly changing. No matter where we are or what we do for a living, every day we wake up to the realization that our environments and circumstances are always adjusting. However,  one thing is experiencing a few “normal” changes here and there, and quite another is being immersed in a world that shifts and turns at a breakneck speed, without having enough time to properly accept and integrate all the newness. If you’ve ever felt that everything around you is changing at an impossible speed, you’re not alone. In fact, a recent Globe Scan survey revealed that 8 in 10 respondents acknowledged feeling that the world is changing too quickly.  If you’d ask me, I’d say this is a recipe for anxious thinking. This is why I want to launch a brand new season of the Her Dinero Matters podcast with a much-needed convo around chaos and overwhelm. How do you navigate a world that sometimes feels like a non-stop source of uncertainty? Let’s talk about it.In this episode you will learn: Update time! What has happened in the past few months?My vision for this new podcast season!4 steps you can take today to deal with those pesky stressors (financial or not) that are impacting your life. For a quick recap of this episode go to https://www.jenhemphill.com/416The post, Navigating Chaos and Overwhelm: A 4-Step Survival Guide | HDM 416 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast.

Navigating Chaos and Overwhelm: A 4-Step Survival Guide | HDM 416

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