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Creating Care Community with Kitty Norton
Creating Care Community with Kitty Norton

Creating Care Community with Kitty Norton

Kitty Norton left her job as an NBC assistant editor in Los Angeles in 2016, for her hometown of Portland, Oregon, to walk, stumble, crawl with her dementia mother to death’s door. While doing so, she authored the dementia caregiver blog Stumped Town Dementia, writing tales of dementia life which resonated deeply with readers around the world. After her mother's death, Kitty turned her storytelling talents to creating and directing the dementia family caregiver documentary, WINE, WOMEN, & DEMENTIA. The film honors this journey with her mother, increases awareness of the caregivers side of the equation in dementia, and celebrates family caregivers, letting them know they are not alone, and are worthy of being, seen, heard, and respected, alongside their person living with dementia, on this difficult road to the end of life. We explore how Kitty built the care community she needed, why caregivers often start care businesses, and how she prioritized social and emotional self-care during 24/7 caregiving. Plus, find out why duct tape might belong in your caregiver toolbox! Show notes with product and resource links: https://bit.ly/HHCPod198 Receive the podcast in your email here: http://bit.ly/2G4qvBv Order a copy of Elizabeth's book Just for You: a Daily Self Care Journal: http://bit.ly/HHCjournal For podcast sponsorship opportunities contact Elizabeth: https://happyhealthycaregiver.com/contact-us/ The Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast is part of the Whole Care Network. Rate and Review the podcast: https://bit.ly/HHCPODREVIEW

Creating Care Community with Kitty Norton

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