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42: Hospice and End-of-Life
42: Hospice and End-of-Life

42: Hospice and End-of-Life

Dr. Lakelyn is joined by RN Jules Stracquadanio to talk about the difficult topic of end-of-life and hospice care. Together, they’ll unravel common misconceptions and discuss how to navigate these sensitive conversations.Episode highlights include:- The importance of discussing end-of-life wishes to preserve - Understand the misconceptions and realities of hospice care- The benefits of hospice care for the individual and their families - Resources to support individuals and families at the end-of-lifeHelpful links from the episode:- The Five Wishes: fivewishes.org- The Conversation Project: theconversationproject.org- The Death Deck: thedeathdeck.com- National Alliance for Care at Home: www.caringinfo.org- Hospice Foundation of America: hospicefoundation.org- Book: Gone From My Sight: The Dying Experience by Barbara Karnes- Book: The Eleventh Hour: A Caring Guideline for the Hours to Minutes Before Death by Barbara KarnesTo learn more about this podcast and to subscribe to our caregiving  newsletters, visit www.homeinstead.com/caregiverchats. Share your thoughts, experiences and ideas by emailing Dr. Lakelyn at caregiverchats@homeinsteadinc.com.Like, subscribe, rate and review this podcast on your favorite podcast platform.Follow us on social media:Facebook: @homeinsteadincInstagram: @homeinsteadincYouTube: @homeinsteadinc

42: Hospice and End-of-Life

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