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43: Grief and the Grieving Process with Dr. Eboni Green
43: Grief and the Grieving Process with Dr. Eboni Green

43: Grief and the Grieving Process with Dr. Eboni Green

Dr. Lakelyn is joined by caregiving expert and author Dr. Eboni Green to discuss navigating grief and the grieving process. Together, they cover the importance of honoring emotions, finding support, and embracing healing.Episode highlights include:- Understanding grief and its complexities - How grief affects caregivers uniquely- Practical strategies for healing- Finding hope and moving forwardHelpful links from the episode:-caregiversupportservices.com-Dr. Green’s book: Reflections from the Soul: Acknowledge, Ruminate, Be Inspired (find it on Amazon)To learn more about this podcast and to subscribe to our caregiving  newsletters, visit www.homeinstead.com/caregiverchats. Share your thoughts, experiences and ideas by emailing Dr. Lakelyn at caregiverchats@homeinsteadinc.com.Like, subscribe, rate and review this podcast on your favorite podcast platform.Follow us on social media:Facebook: @homeinsteadincInstagram: @homeinsteadincYouTube: @homeinsteadinc

43: Grief and the Grieving Process with Dr. Eboni Green

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