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Financial inequality in Australia at its greatest since 2001 - 報告:澳洲經濟不平等廿年最嚴重 女性仍承擔更多家務
Financial inequality in Australia at its greatest since 2001 - 報告:澳洲經濟不平等廿年最嚴重 女性仍承擔更多家務

Financial inequality in Australia at its greatest since 2001 - 報告:澳洲經濟不平等廿年最嚴重 女性仍承擔更多家務

Australia's financial inequality is at its highest rate since 2001. This is according to the latest report into annual Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia - the HILDA report. Single parents are found to be the most affected due to the increase of childcare costs, while the gender gap in unpaid work widens. - 報告顯示,澳洲經濟不平等的程度達到20年來最高水平,而女性雖然工作時間增加,但仍然要承擔大部份家務。

Financial inequality in Australia at its greatest since 2001 - 報告:澳洲經濟不平等廿年最嚴重 女性仍承擔更多家務

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