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Cut, Claw & Snarl: Discussing Unity, Politics, And Gun Control In Today's Society
Cut, Claw & Snarl: Discussing Unity, Politics, And Gun Control In Today's Society

Cut, Claw & Snarl: Discussing Unity, Politics, And Gun Control In Today's Society

It is clear that people are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the current state of affairs. With the government and powerful institutions seemingly not doing enough to make a difference, many are feeling powerless and disconnected from their communities. It is easy to understand why so many people feel angry, sad, and confused when they don't see any real progress being made. Furthermore, the attitude of "shoot first, ask questions later" has been adopted by some individuals, creating an even scarier atmosphere. To combat this feeling of helplessness, people are taking time for self-care and having conversations with others that they would not have had before. This is a small step in creating community and a reminder that there is still power in voting and other forms of activism. However, some people feel that this isn't enough as long as powerful institutions continue to take advantage of their money through taxes and other means. It will take time to create real change but it is important to keep looking for a solution and not give up.

Cut, Claw & Snarl: Discussing Unity, Politics, And Gun Control In Today's Society

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