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Ep. 51: Why We Should Build a Parent Nation
Ep. 51: Why We Should Build a Parent Nation

Ep. 51: Why We Should Build a Parent Nation

In this episode, Diana talks to Dr. Dana Suskind, the author of Parent Nation, Unlocking Evey Child's Potential, Fulfilling Society's Promise Dr. Suskind is a pediatric neurosurgeon who decided to use her experience working with children and families and brain research to write a book about what families need and how a society can help families thrive through policy. They discuss: What is happening in a baby’s brain in the early years?  What is the Return on investment of investing in children in the early years? How do we get the lawmakers to use the science to inform policy? Why Parents and Caregivers should join together as a voting bloc AND MORE!  Make sure to follow Parent Nation on Instagram @buildaparentnation and Dr. Suskind on Twitter @drdanasuskind and Instagram @drdanasuskind

Ep. 51: Why We Should Build a Parent Nation

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