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The AI Election: How artificial intelligence impacted the world's biggest ballots - Uchaguzi wa AI: Jinsi akili bandia ilivyo athiri chaguzi kubwa duniani
The AI Election: How artificial intelligence impacted the world's biggest ballots - Uchaguzi wa AI: Jinsi akili bandia ilivyo athiri chaguzi kubwa duniani

The AI Election: How artificial intelligence impacted the world's biggest ballots - Uchaguzi wa AI: Jinsi akili bandia ilivyo athiri chaguzi kubwa duniani

From "Communist Kamala" to Bollywood endorsements, artificial intelligence and disinformation played a big role in some of the biggest democratic elections last year. - Kutoka "Kamala mkomunisti" hadi kwa uidhinishwaji wa Bollywood, akili bandia na taarifa potofu zilikuwa na nafasi kubwa katika chaguzi kubwa zaki demokrasia mwaka jana.

The AI Election: How artificial intelligence impacted the world's biggest ballots - Uchaguzi wa AI: Jinsi akili bandia ilivyo athiri chaguzi kubwa duniani

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