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It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown - PPP’s and You
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown - PPP’s and You

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown - PPP’s and You

When costly projects like infrastructure stare down government budgets, taxpayers and politicians understandably get nervous.  If federal financial support doesn’t take the lead, states and municipalities must come up with large amounts of money on their own usually through bonds and raised taxes.  Another approach widely touted is “public-private-partnerships” – a financial collaboration that shares responsibilities and outcomes between private investors and public resources.  Sometimes it works out.  Often it doesn’t. Our guests, Drs. Alphecca Muttardy and Stephen Hubbard of the National Infrastructure Coalition, are experts in the field of infrastructure finance and PPP’s and delve into what America urgently needs in the way of infrastructure investment right now,  and why PPP’s aren’t the reliable go-to partners they claim to be.

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown - PPP’s and You

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