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How can Ukraine start a green recovery in the midst of war?
How can Ukraine start a green recovery in the midst of war?

How can Ukraine start a green recovery in the midst of war?

‘Measuring the environmental effects of war breaks new ground’Is it possible to rebuild Ukraine in a greener, fairer way and can this be done while the country is still immersed in war?Two years have now passed since Russia invaded Ukraine. Tens of thousands have been killed and the fighting has caused immense damage to the environment. A groundbreaking new report has catalogued the environmental damage and outlined the essential steps needed for a green recovery. In this episode IHRB’s CEO John Morrison sits down with Margot ​Wallström, co-chair of the group behind the report: the High-Level
War. Margot is also chair of IHRB's ​International ​Advisory ​Council, and was Sweden's ​former ​minister ​for ​foreign ​affairs, and ​former ​Vice ​President ​of ​the ​European ​Commission.With the cost of environmental damage estimated to be 56 billion Euros, John and Margot discuss accountability; how environmental damage might now be viewed by international courts as a war crime; and the report's call for a green rebuild of Ukraine’s infrastructure.The report's recommendations have the health and wellbeing of the Ukrainian people at its heart. Its findings will be of paramount interest to businesses looking to invest in the recovery of Ukraine.

How can Ukraine start a green recovery in the midst of war?

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