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The no-think structures that keep me on track with business & mindset
The no-think structures that keep me on track with business & mindset

The no-think structures that keep me on track with business & mindset

Life happens. As  I'm recording this, my son is ill and I'm battling a weird flu of my own. This often does something to my mindset which isn't pretty  - but it's totally out of my control. Luckily though, I have several structures in place in my life and business which means I don't even have to THINK about keeping everything up.No-think structures are the activities that are already integrated into my calendar that keeps me in that CEO mindset, no matter what’s happening in life. Removing mental load, makes running a business as easy as possible - especially during trying timesJoin Overflow Collective hereL E T ' S C O N N E C T !> Instagram: @tiffanydawson_> LinkedIn: Tiffany Dawson> Twitter: @_tiffanydawson_> Website: www.tiffanydawson.co

The no-think structures that keep me on track with business & mindset

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