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Jou Testament: As jy vandag sterf, wat gebeur met jou kind?/ Your Will – If You Die Today, What Happens to Your Child?
Jou Testament: As jy vandag sterf, wat gebeur met jou kind?/ Your Will – If You Die Today, What Happens to Your Child?

Jou Testament: As jy vandag sterf, wat gebeur met jou kind?/ Your Will – If You Die Today, What Happens to Your Child?

Wat gebeur met jou kinders as iets met jou sou gebeur? Het jy reëlings in plek om hulle te beskerm en is jy seker al die tegniese aspekte wat jou testament betref, is soos dit moet wees?Daniëlla gesels ek met Japie Reyneke, ‘n gesoute finansiële beplanner, oor hoekom ‘n testament noodsaaklik is vir elke ouer wat hul kinders se toekoms wil verseker. Ons gaan kyk na die belangrikste aspekte van boedelbeplanning en hoe jy dit maklik en effektief kan doen. What happens to your children if something happens to you? Do you have arrangements in place to protect them, and are you sure all the technical aspects of your will are in order? Daniëlla speaks with Japie Reyneke, an experienced financial planner, about why having a will is essential for every parent who wants to secure their children's future. We’ll explore the key aspects of estate planning and how you can do it easily and effectively. - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/abbynoise/burst-of-light License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

Jou Testament: As jy vandag sterf, wat gebeur met jou kind?/ Your Will – If You Die Today, What Happens to Your Child?

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