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Wat om te doen as jou kind verdwyn (BlitsPod/ What to Do When Your Child Disappears (BlitzPod)
Wat om te doen as jou kind verdwyn (BlitsPod/ What to Do When Your Child Disappears (BlitzPod)

Wat om te doen as jou kind verdwyn (BlitsPod/ What to Do When Your Child Disappears (BlitzPod)

Dis elke ouer se nagmerrie —jy kyk op, en jou kind is net… weg. Of dit nou op die strand, in ‘n winkelsentrum of by ‘n fees is, jou en jou kind se reaksie in daardie eerste oomblikke kan deruslaggewend wees. In hierdie BlitsPod deel Daniëlla kort, belangrike wenke wat jy jou kind vooraf kan leer, en die onmiddellike stappe wat jy moet neem as dit wel gebeur dat jy en jou kind van mekaar geskei word. It’s every parent’s worst nightmare—you look up, and your child is just… gone. Whether it happens at the beach, a mall, or a festival, those first few moments are crucial. In this BlitzPod, Daniëlla shares simple but powerful tips to teach your child before it happens, and the immediate steps you should take if it does. * Bron: https://busytoddler.com/kids-get-lost/ - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/abbynoise/burst-of-light License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

Wat om te doen as jou kind verdwyn (BlitsPod/ What to Do When Your Child Disappears (BlitzPod)

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