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Episode #62: Unlocking Success: Embracing Your Gifts and Inspiring Others as a Female Entrepreneur
Episode #62: Unlocking Success: Embracing Your Gifts and Inspiring Others as a Female Entrepreneur

Episode #62: Unlocking Success: Embracing Your Gifts and Inspiring Others as a Female Entrepreneur

Hey there fearless lady! Welcome back to another episode of The Fearless Female Entrepreneur Podcast. Today we've got a powerful episode lined up for you. First, I share an update on what’s been happening behind the scenes as I took a break from the podcast to care for my puppy, Chocolate’s, battle with lung cancer and to pursue my second Coaching Certification Program and International Coaching Federation Credentials.  Then we dive deep into the universal perspective on the value of our gifts, talents, and experiences. How do they contribute to our businesses and impact others? We will explore the incredible value of sharing our gifts, talents, and experiences with the world, and how they can truly make a difference in our businesses and in the lives of others. We dive into how to shift your mindset around pricing your offer and where the true value comes from.  Finally I share 3 powerful journal prompts that will help you connect to your own gifts and experiences so you start to feel deeply qualified to share your gifts, talents, knowledge and skills in your business. So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfortable, and let's dive right in. Trust me, this is an episode you won't want to miss. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are I’m READY to become the woman who has all she desires. If you’re tired of sitting on the sidelines watching everyone succeed, wondering when you’ll make you’re dreams happen, If you want to step into unwavering confidence and show up in your life and business with a renewed energy and unstoppable mindset, If you want to stop second guessing or letting doubts and fears stop you, If you are ready to feel purposeful, fulfilled, abundance and joy in all areas of your life… Then BREAKTHROUGH is perfect for you. BREAKTHROUGH is my signature coaching program and we work together to guide you to release the SHOULDS and finally call the shots in your life and business. This is where you make powerful, transformative shifts in your mindset, beliefs, perspectives and actions so that you are leading yourself to live life and create a business YOUR way. This program is designed to help you find what’s holding you back, completely reframe your beliefs so you lead with empowering thoughts, deeply connect to what you desire and who you will be when you get there and have you leading your thoughts beliefs and actions every single day so they truly align to what you desire to be experiencing in your life. If you’re interested in learning more, visit: www.start.katerinakormas.com/breakthroughinfo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Katerina Instagram: @Katerina.Kormas Did you hear something you loved today? Leave a review, so others know what to expect from the show! And don’t forget to Subscribe so you receive the latest episodes right when they launch!  

Episode #62: Unlocking Success: Embracing Your Gifts and Inspiring Others as a Female Entrepreneur

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