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217. Why Your Biggest Sales Months Are Followed by Your Slowest & How to Fix It for Good
217. Why Your Biggest Sales Months Are Followed by Your Slowest & How to Fix It for Good

217. Why Your Biggest Sales Months Are Followed by Your Slowest & How to Fix It for Good

Have you ever wondered why your biggest sales months are followed by your slowest month? Yes, that's right, you are not alone. It happens to almost all female entrepreneurs I've worked with. You hit this huge month or perhaps nail a massive launch, your DMs get flooded with clients, you're super excited, you feel like you can take on the world, thinking "it'll only get better from here!" And then the next month comes, and you hear crickets, your Instagram has turned to tumbleweed, and no leads come in. What the heck just happened? Then you start overthinking it, slip into a scarcity mindset, and push harder and harder to get back on track.It's time to break this pattern, honey pie! Because you don't need to rebuild your momentum from scratch every time. You don't need to try harder or be more consistent. It's your subconscious mind running the show, so let's have a look at what's going on and how you can fix it once and for all so you never repeat that cycle again!Topics covered on Why Your Biggest Sales Months Are Followed by Your Slowest:Three common reasons why your biggest sales months are followed by your slowestWhat subconscious beliefs might be holding you back from big sales months, and how can you identify them?How can you rewire your subconscious to not just chase money, but to hold and sustain it?What steps can you take to create a stable business where success feels safe and consistent?Connect with Rebecca Haydon:Apply to work with meThe Subconscious MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTubeFind the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/why-your-biggest-sales-months-are-followed-by-your-slowest

217. Why Your Biggest Sales Months Are Followed by Your Slowest & How to Fix It for Good

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