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220. Change the Way You Think About Comparison Forever
220. Change the Way You Think About Comparison Forever

220. Change the Way You Think About Comparison Forever

Are you ready to change the way you think about comparison for absolute-freaking-ever? Do you know that moment when you open Instagram, start scrolling, and see someone in your industry who is signing her dream clients, getting brand deals, interviewing on podcasts, and makes launching look like a walk in the park? You know you should feel inspired because you're all about women's empowerment, but instead, you're feeling jealous and frustrated. You're thinking, "Why her? Why not me? What does she do differently?"Here's the thing: if you're feeling triggered by someone, it's most likely your subconscious mind showing you where you need to grow, and that might be hard (sure, it was for me!). I know you're not here to play small, so let's talk about how to reprogramme your subconscious so when comparison creeps in next time, you can stop it right there and then, instead of going down the spiral of comparison. Tune in to learn a roadmap that will help you move through the comparison and elevate you to the next freaking level.Topics covered on Change the Way You Think About Comparison Forever:How does comparison reflect your subconscious beliefs?What is the concept of "perception is projection," and how can it change your life?How can you use comparison as a roadmap to enter your next level?What are the three steps to turn comparison into a tool for growth?How does your subconscious identity affect your business success?Connect with Rebecca Haydon:Apply to work with meThe Subconscious MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTubeFind the full show notes & more resources at https://rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/change-the-way-you-think-about-comparison-forever

220. Change the Way You Think About Comparison Forever

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