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Discomfort, pain, and initial signs of shingles that adults should know - Êş, metirsî û nîşanên şîngils/mekutokan ku divê her mezinek bizanibe
Discomfort, pain, and initial signs of shingles that adults should know - Êş, metirsî û nîşanên şîngils/mekutokan ku divê her mezinek bizanibe

Discomfort, pain, and initial signs of shingles that adults should know - Êş, metirsî û nîşanên şîngils/mekutokan ku divê her mezinek bizanibe

Shingles is a common condition in Australia, affecting around one in three people at some point in their lives. Its occurrence is notably higher in individuals over the age of 50, with the risk of complications increasing with age. Therefore, if you are over 50, it is recommended that you speak with your doctor or pharmacist. Dr Ali Ziabari explains shingles symptoms and the vaccines available for this condition. - Shingles (mekutok/mîrkut) li Australya gelemperî ye, di jiyanê de ji sê kesan yek bandor dibe. Ew bi gelemperî di kesên ji 50 salî mezintir e çê dibe, û xetera tevliheviyan bi temen re zêde dibe. Heke hûn ji 50 salî mezintir in, yan ciwanin, tenduristin, bi doktorê an dermansazê xwe re li ser şîngils bipeyivin. Dr Elî Zêbarî hin ronkirin û zanyariyan derbarê vê nexweşiyê dide me.

Discomfort, pain, and initial signs of shingles that adults should know - Êş, metirsî û nîşanên şîngils/mekutokan ku divê her mezinek bizanibe

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