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Why 'Middle Management Mentality' Is Keeping You Stuck in Your Career
Why 'Middle Management Mentality' Is Keeping You Stuck in Your Career

Why 'Middle Management Mentality' Is Keeping You Stuck in Your Career

Ep #269: Why 'Middle Management Mentality' Is Keeping You Stuck in Your CareerYou’re great at your job. You take ownership, hit your goals, and know you’re capable of more. So why does it feel like you’re spinning your wheels in middle management while other people seem to move up faster? Here’s why: The way you think about your role might be keeping you stuck. I call it middle management mentality, and it happens when you unknowingly operate like a middle manager - even when you’re more than ready for a higher-level leadership role. It sounds like: “I’ll just wait for my boss to tell me what to do,” or “If I keep working hard, my results will speak for themselves.” This mindset makes total sense. It’s what got you promoted in the past.  But the skills that made you successful in middle management are NOT the same skills that will get you into the executive suite. To get there, you have to start thinking and leading differently now. In this episode of Women Changing Leadership with Stacy Mayer, I’ll show you how middle management mentality is keeping you in career limbo, how to break free from it, and what to do instead so you can step into your next-level leadership role - without waiting for permission.Unlock the missing piece in your leadership development. Take the quiz: www.ReadytoBePromoted.com

Why 'Middle Management Mentality' Is Keeping You Stuck in Your Career

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