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These High Schoolers Made A Movie (with Katie Marovitch)
These High Schoolers Made A Movie (with Katie Marovitch)

These High Schoolers Made A Movie (with Katie Marovitch)

Homework? More like "do the work"! Filmmaking happens at all ages, and these high schoolers are here to prove it! From figuring out interpersonal dynamics to figuring out how to shoot in a car, join these high schoolers to find out exactly what goes into making a movie when you don't know a single thing about making a movie.Today's guest is the incredible Katie Marovitch! You can check them out on their improvised podcast "Bitcherton", all over Dropout, and of course online @ katiemarovitch ! We love you Katie!!! This episode was filmed in the beautiful Dynasty Typewriter Theater, and tech-produced by Samuel Curtis. For live shows and events you can find more about them at dynastytypewriter.com . And to check out our recent live show go to dynasty.tv to rent!To learn more about the BTS of this episode and to find a world of challenges, games, inside scoop, and the Artists being themselves, subscribe to our Patreon! You won't be disappointed with what you find. patreon.com/aoaoaoapodArtists on Artists on Artists on Artists is an improvised Hollywood roundtable podcast by Kylie Brakeman, Jeremy Culhane, Angela Giarratana, and Patrick McDonald. Music by Gabriel Ponton. Edited by Conner McCabe. Thumbnail art by Grant Moore. Hollywood's talking. Make sure you're listening. Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Youtube! Please rate us five stars!

These High Schoolers Made A Movie (with Katie Marovitch)

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