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047. The Living Room Design Formula: A Stress-Free Way to Decorate with Amy Barrickman
047. The Living Room Design Formula: A Stress-Free Way to Decorate with Amy Barrickman

047. The Living Room Design Formula: A Stress-Free Way to Decorate with Amy Barrickman

Do you want a formula to follow to design and decorate your living room? You’re in luck! Interior designer Amy Barrickman just published her book, The Living Room Design Formula: Style Your Home Like A Pro, One Room At A Time.In this episode, Amy shares that designing and decorating your living room isn’t overwhelming when you have specific guidelines - a FORMULA -  to follow!We discuss rug sizing, mixing woods, what to do when your personal style doesn't match your home's style, and a whole lot more.When you follow Amy's formula, the process of decorating your living room no longer feels overwhelming or beyond your grasp, and decision fatigue and analysis-paralysis are minimized!Amy's book is now on Amazon: The Living Room Design Formula: Style Your Home Like a Pro, One Room at a TimeAmy’s gallery wall guide: https://barrickmandesign.com/gallery-wall-tips-tricks-1Barrickman Design website: https://barrickmandesign.com/The Perigold website: https://www.perigold.com/Connect with me:My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fireflybridgeorganizingMy Website: https://fireflybridge.com

047. The Living Room Design Formula: A Stress-Free Way to Decorate with Amy Barrickman

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