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048. Not Getting Everything Done? Here's How an Organizing System Will Help You
048. Not Getting Everything Done? Here's How an Organizing System Will Help You

048. Not Getting Everything Done? Here's How an Organizing System Will Help You

If your to-do list is growing faster than you can check things off, you’re not alone. Today, we’re diving into why it feels like there’s never enough time, and how the right organizing system can help you treat your energy as a sustainable resource to take control of your schedule and your home.In this episode, I’ll share three must-have organizing systems that every working mom needs to stay on top of tasks without burnout. You’ll learn: Why decision fatigue, mental overload, and overcommitment are keeping you stuckHow to set up a Weekly Planning System to reduce stress and make your week run smoothlyThe 5-Second Rule for breaking procrastination and getting things done fastA simple Nightly Wind-Down System to wake up to a calm and organized homeIf you’re ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling accomplished, this episode is for you!The video clip where Mel Robbins talks about the 5-Second RuleConnect with me:My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fireflybridgeorganizingMy Website: https://fireflybridge.com

048. Not Getting Everything Done? Here's How an Organizing System Will Help You

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