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Building Conviction with Topsie VandenBosch
Building Conviction with Topsie VandenBosch

Building Conviction with Topsie VandenBosch

This episode is brought to you by Redefining Wealth LIVE. Join me for the transformational experience that will challenge the way you think about success, wealth, and well-being. If you’re ready to break free from default thinking and step into a more fulfilled, abundant life, get on the waitlist NOW! https://redefiningwealthlive.com   In this episode of Redefining Wealth, I sit down with the incredible Topsy Vanden Bosch to explore what it truly means to be wealthy—beyond just financial success. We dive into the power of personal conviction, how it differs from confidence, and why trusting your inner voice is essential for purpose-driven success. Topsy shares her journey of embracing rejection, overcoming emotional barriers, and using faith as a foundation for resilience. We also discuss the role of visibility in marketing, the balance between creativity and self-promotion, and the importance of normalizing frustration along the way. If you've ever struggled with self-doubt, fear of change, or finding the courage to step into your authentic self, this episode is for you!   Questions to Reflect On as You Listen: 💭 Do you trust your inner conviction, or do you find yourself seeking external validation? 💭 How do you handle rejection? Do you see it as a setback or a stepping stone to growth? 💭 What fears or emotional barriers have held you back from stepping into your full potential? 💭 Are you showing up with authenticity in your personal and professional life, or are you conforming to expectations? 💭 How can you embrace visibility without sacrificing creativity and purpose?   Resources Mentioned:  Pillar Mastery  Redefining Wealth LIVE  RedefiningWealth.app Topsie Instagram: @topsievandenbosch Topsie Facebook: @Topsie VandenBosch Topsie Free Guide   How to Redefine Wealth for Yourself 📱Join the FREE Redefining Wealth community app to connect with Purpose Chasers internationally and experience pop-up training with Patrice monthly!  ⁉️Take the Redefining Wealth Quiz and find out the pillar of wealth blocking you from the wealth you desire in less than two minutes!  🥳Join Pillar Mastery and ignite a new aligned vision, unlock purpose, and redefine wealth for yourself.  📗Grab a Redefining Wealth 90-Day Pillar Planner or Patrice’s last book, Redefine Wealth for Yourself.  💛Use this quick assessment to find the best 1:1 option to Work with Patrice as your thinking partner to create your most authentic path forward.   

Building Conviction with Topsie VandenBosch

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