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99 | Feeling Unworthy? Three Truths Every Overwhelmed Mom Needs to Hear
99 | Feeling Unworthy? Three Truths Every Overwhelmed Mom Needs to Hear

99 | Feeling Unworthy? Three Truths Every Overwhelmed Mom Needs to Hear

Hey, mama—do you ever feel like you’re only as good as your to-do list? Struggling with mom guilt, overwhelm, or the constant pressure to do more? You’re not alone. In this short but powerful pep talk, I’m sharing 3 essential truths that every mom needs to hear when she feels unworthy, exhausted, or like she’s not doing enough. 💛 Truth #1: You are worthy just as you are—no productivity required. 💛 Truth #2: Your worth isn’t something you have to earn. 💛 Truth #3: You belong, and you are deeply loved. If you’ve ever felt like you’re failing at motherhood or that your value is tied to how much you accomplish, this episode will remind you of the truth: You are enough. Period. Need more encouragement? Join our supportive community of moms here: facebook.com/groups/prioritizecommunity 🎧 Press play now, take a deep breath, and let this message sink in. You are worthy, mama. 💕 As always, I would love to hear from you!  Please reach out with any feedback, support, questions or concerns. Email: danielle@prioritizewithpurpose.com IG: @mamasredefinesuccess or @savvicandidoncamera FB: https://www.facebook.com/dbattaglia007 FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/prioritizecommunity LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/battagliadanielle 💖Danielle 

99 | Feeling Unworthy? Three Truths Every Overwhelmed Mom Needs to Hear

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