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Ep 306 | Empowering Women Through Education and Community Panel: Meet the Panelists
Ep 306 | Empowering Women Through Education and Community Panel: Meet the Panelists

Ep 306 | Empowering Women Through Education and Community Panel: Meet the Panelists

March is Women’s History Month and in this episode of Talking Taiwan I’ll be speaking with the Angela Feng, the organizer of the Empowering Women Through Education and Community Action panel, a UN CSW69 Parallel Event that’s going to be held here in New York City on Friday, March 14th from 4:30pm-6:00pm. CSW69 stands for the 69th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Also with me in this interview are the other two panelists Cindy Wu who’s been a previous guest on Talking Taiwan and Dr. Remi Duyile.   There are quite a few acronyms tossed around in this conversation so I thought I’d mention them upfront here like SDG goals, which stands for Sustainable Development Goals which were adopted by United Nations Member States. There are 17 SDGs because ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.   The other acronym you’ll hear is BPW which stands for Business and Professional Women.   The theme of the panel is how education and community initiatives equal empowerment. The session will dive into how education and grassroots programs can transform lives.   Angela, Cindy and Dr. Remi not only talked about the panel, and work of their respective organizations, but I ask each of the women who were their earliest role models who helped to shape who they are today, and to share about challenges that they’ve had to overcome in their careers thus far.   If you’d like to know how you can attend the Empowering Women Through Education and Community Action panel visit TalkingTaiwan.com where we’ll share a link to register for it on Eventbrite.   Here’s a little preview of what we talked about in this podcast episode: ·  Angela Feng, Cindy Wu, and Dr. Remi Duyile are the organizers and panelists for the Empowering Women Through Education and Community Action Panel. ·  The panel's theme is "How Education and Community Initiatives Equal Empowerment." ·  The session will explore how education and grassroots programs can significantly transform lives, particularly for women and girls. ·  Angela Feng is the president of Soroptimist Taipei International, Girls Power, a female non-profit organization recognized by the UN and Taiwan. ·  Cindy Wu is a trilingual financial management professional, singer-songwriter, and motivational speaker, involved with the International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW). ·  Dr. Remi Duyile is a Nigerian-American, a UN ambassador of peace, and the founder of Legacy Premier Foundation, a global developmental non-profit. ·  The discussion will delve into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how these goals relate to women's empowerment ·  Angela, Cindy and Dr. Remi the work that they have done with each of their respective organizations ·  Angela, Cindy and Dr. Remi talked about their early role models and the challenges they have overcome in their careers. ·  The panel aims to provide practical insights and inspire action, moving beyond abstract concepts of women's empowerment. ·  The women want to provide action steps, and resources to the audience ·  Soroptimist International of Taipei Girls Power focuses on education for young women, from elementary school through college. ·  The Legacy Premier Foundation focuses on financial literacy, and providing access to resources to underserved communities, and teaches skills that are needed in the market place. ·  The International Federation of Business and Professional Women works to create opportunities for women through promoting employment, and protecting rights.   Related Links:  

Ep 306 | Empowering Women Through Education and Community Panel: Meet the Panelists

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