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Ep.37: Yucks, Yums, and Yes Please: Discover What Turns You On With Dr. Juliana Hauser
Ep.37: Yucks, Yums, and Yes Please: Discover What Turns You On With Dr. Juliana Hauser

Ep.37: Yucks, Yums, and Yes Please: Discover What Turns You On With Dr. Juliana Hauser

In this episode, we’re inviting you into a conversation that might just change the way you think about sexuality, agency, and self-discovery. We’re joined by the incredible Dr. Juliana Hauser, a psychologist, sex educator, and thought leader in holistic sexuality. If you’re wondering what that means, you’re not alone! Dr. Juliana walks us through the nine pillars of holistic sexuality and why understanding ourselves as sexual beings is the "final frontier" of self-development.We explore everything from sexual agency and desire in midlife to the unspoken barriers that hold us back from fully embracing our sexuality. Plus, we tackle the cultural shame, myths, and misunderstandings that have shaped our sexual identities—and how to break free from them. Whether you're in a long-term relationship and struggling with intimacy, single and rediscovering yourself, or simply curious about what it means to live a more sexually confident life, this episode has value for you. Get ready for an open, honest, and sometimes hilarious conversation that will leave you with a whole new perspective on pleasure, connection, and self-expression. Episode Highlights:[00:03] - Introducing Dr. Juliana Hauser and what "holistic sexuality" really means.[01:23] - The nine pillars of holistic sexuality and why they matter in self-discovery.[06:49] - Why so many of us avoid thinking about our sexual selves—and how to start the journey.[12:23] - There are no wrong answers! How agency and consent play a role in shaping our sexual identity.[17:50] - The differences in how men and women experience sexual conversations and why men are "desperate" for safe spaces to talk.[24:31] - How couples can start talking about their sex lives without fear, shame, or defensiveness.[27:16] - Midlife sexual awakenings—what happens when someone truly embraces their desires?[34:31] - The "four quadrant" exercise: a simple yet powerful way to explore your yeses and nos.[42:38] - Why sex takes work—and how curiosity can completely transform your intimate life.[51:45] - A fun, hands-on (literally) way to understand your sensuality and personal touch preferences.[54:46] - How to learn more about Dr. Juliana’s course Revealed and her upcoming book, A New Position on Sex. Resources:Dr. Juiliana’s website: https://dr-juliana.com/ The Revealed Life: an evolved sex ed platform: https://therevealedlife.com/ Social Media: @drjulianahauserKeep an eye out for Dr. Juliana’s upcoming book: A New Position on Sex: A Guide to Greater Sexual Confidence, Authenticity, and Pleasure (Coming Fall 2025)🔥Get Clear on What You Want in Your Sex Life: Free Download! For more on this topic visit our website insightsfromthecouch.org If you have questions please email us at info@insightsfromthecouch.org we would love to hear from you!If today's discussion resonated with you or sparked curiosity, please rate, follow, and share "Insights from the Couch" with others. Your support helps us reach more people and continue providing valuable insights. Here’s to finding our purposes and living a life full of meaning and joy. Stay tuned for more!

Ep.37: Yucks, Yums, and Yes Please: Discover What Turns You On With Dr. Juliana Hauser

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