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DTH 82 | Re-released: Did You Ask Your Body That?
DTH 82 | Re-released: Did You Ask Your Body That?

DTH 82 | Re-released: Did You Ask Your Body That?

Send us a textIn honor of Women’s History Month in the US and the upcoming International Women’s Day, we are re-releasing an episode that centers honoring your own body’s history and present needs.In this week’s episode of the Dance to Heal Podcast, host Jenny C. Cohen delves into the powerful connection between the subconscious mind and the body. Learn why nurturing this relationship is essential for overall well-being as Jenny teaches three gentle yet effective methods to reconnect with your body and mind for better mental and physical health.Episode Breakdown:(00:00:00) - Introduction & Focus on the Brain-Body Connection• Jenny introduces the episode and dives into the importance of the brain-body connection and how it impacts overall health.(00:02:28) - Method 1: Muscle Testing• Discover the basics of muscle testing, why it’s a powerful tool for understanding the brain-body link, and how to use it effectively.(00:10:27) - Method 2: Dominant and Nondominant Handwriting • Jenny explains how using your dominant and nondominant hands in writing can reveal valuable insights into your past and present emotions.(00:14:56) - Method 3: The Importance of Getting Present in Your Body• Jenny talks about the dangers of being disconnected from your body, both internally and externally, and the health impacts of chronic stress.(00:21:26) - Method 3 Demo: A Step-by-Step Guide to Tuning Into Your Senses• Jenny leads a practical exercise to help the audience reconnect with their body by tuning into their five senses and becoming fully present.(00:24:18) - Episode Closing & Outro• Final thoughts, a sneak peek at next week’s episode, and the normal closing outro.About Jenny C. Cohen Jenny C. Cohen is a breast cancer survivor, and it is her mission to help people who have been through the most debilitating, disfiguring, traumatic events like breast cancer to feel bold, beautiful, and full of life. Jenny believes in a world where everyone can dance to heal and feel safe in their bodies knowing they are created in beauty and perfection despite life happenings. She is an award-winning performer who healed through her D.I.S.C.O.V.E.R. process presented in the multi-category best-selling book “Outside In Recovery: Dancing My Way Back to My Self after Breast Cancer."Share #dancetohealwithjennycohen on social media for a free on-demand online class with Jenny! Connect with Jenny Begin your Dance to Heal journey here: https://DanceandHeal.comMain website: https://www.outsideinrecovery.comDTH Podcast website: https://www.dancetohealpodcast.comInstagram:

DTH 82 | Re-released: Did You Ask Your Body That?

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