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From Esthetician to CEO: Building a Beauty Empire
From Esthetician to CEO: Building a Beauty Empire

From Esthetician to CEO: Building a Beauty Empire

Today’s guest is Sylvia Brownlee, a trailblazing esthetician and skincare expert with an incredible 29 years of experience transforming skin—and lives. As the CEO and founder of Skin by Brownlee & Co., Sylvia has helped countless clients struggling with acne, hyperpigmentation, and signs of aging regain their confidence. But Sylvia’s impact doesn’t stop there. She recently opened the new Skin by Brownlee & Co. headquarters, home to Lessons Suites & Studios, a coworking space designed to empower aspiring beauty professionals with the support and resources she wished she had perseverance, passion, and purpose, and we can’t wait for her to share her insights with you! Connect with Brandi & BBN: businessbeautynetwork.com https://linktr.ee/Btaylor Email: hello@businessbeautynetwork.com Connect with Sylvia: https://www.skinbybrownleeandco.com/https://www.instagram.com/skinbybrownleeandco/?hl=en

From Esthetician to CEO: Building a Beauty Empire

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