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State of Roe: Montana
State of Roe: Montana

State of Roe: Montana

While Montana was a pro-choice state for a long time, helped by liberal and progressive politicians, it has trended toward conservatism and anti-choice leanings in recent years. However, Chris considers the state safe for abortion for now, with the caveat that Governor Greg Gianforte and Attorney General Austin Knudsen have their own anti-choice agendas. Geography can actually be a prohibitive factor in getting an abortion in Montana, given the size of the state, though advances in telemedicine make it easier these days to arrange appointments. Even if Republicans in the state were to try and pass anti-abortion legislation, there are many legal and political hoops they would need to jump through first. Montana judges are also elected, with two up for reelection this November. Resources: https://www.fallofroe.com/ (Fall of Roe Homepage) For information and services, call Planned Parenthood at 1 800 240 7526. If you already have an appointment and are concerned about anything you hear on the news, call your provider. They will have the most up-to-date information in a changing landscape. https://www.susanwicklundfund.org/ (Susan Wickland Fund) Seek abortion resources in nearby States on https://www.abortionfinder.org/ (AbortionFinder.org)

State of Roe: Montana

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