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State of Roe: Oregon
State of Roe: Oregon

State of Roe: Oregon

Oregon is not only a safe state but a haven state as well, having taken several pre-Roe bans off the state books and passed a pro-choice ballot initiative in 1993. Oregon offers public funding and require private insurance coverage for abortions throughout the state. Provided Republicans aren't elected to the state legislature, this should remain the status quo for the foreseeable future. That being said, Oregon's coverage isn't perfect, as there are very few providers east of the Cascades, though there are plans to expand out that way. Governor Kate Brown has announced the West Coast Offense along with Washington and California to ensure that the United States' western seaboard is a blue shield of abortion access. While she won't be able to run for re-election as she's met her term limits, a coalition of pro-choice organizations have endorsed Tina Kotek for election. Resources: https://www.fallofroe.com/ (Fall of Roe Homepage) https://www.prochoiceoregon.org/ (Pro Choice Oregon) For information and services, call Planned Parenthood at 1 800 240 75 26 Seek abortion resources in nearby States onhttps://www.abortionfinder.org/ ( AbortionFinder.org)

State of Roe: Oregon

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