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Keep Calm and Listen to Heather Cox Richardson
Keep Calm and Listen to Heather Cox Richardson

Keep Calm and Listen to Heather Cox Richardson

On Inauguration Eve, Red Wine & Blue held a live virtual event with our favorite historian, Heather Cox Richardson. Heather helped us put things into perspective and reminded us that small groups of people can change history. Over 22,000 people attended the Zoom call, 24,000 watched it on YouTube, and almost 120,000 streamed it on Heather's Facebook page. This is a moment where we can fall apart or all come together to make change - and it's clear which option this community is choosing. If you missed Sunday night's event, we wanted to share it with everyone right here on The Suburban Women Problem.For a transcript of this episode, please email theswppod@redwine.blue. You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media! Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

Keep Calm and Listen to Heather Cox Richardson

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