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Troublemakers vs Chaos Causers (with Kristi Hirst)
Troublemakers vs Chaos Causers (with Kristi Hirst)

Troublemakers vs Chaos Causers (with Kristi Hirst)

Here at Red Wine & Blue, we talk a lot about “troublemakers” and “making good trouble” (inspired in part by the late great John Lewis). Our network TroubleNation is made up of hundreds of local grassroots groups across the country — women like Kristi, a mom and former teacher in California who’s been standing up for the public schools in her area.Troublemakers band together with other badass women in their communities who share their values. They make things better for their kids, friends, and neighbors. On the other hand, “chaos causers,” as Kristi calls them in this week’s podcast episode, come in from the outside to disrupt communities. Groups like Moms for Liberty and the Proud Boys aren’t listening to local communities and they certainly aren’t making good trouble. They’re just causing chaos.This week we talked to Kristi about how she and a group of other moms started getting together to drink wine and talk about how to stand up for their local schools. You can learn more in this video about how they found the courage to stand up to literal armed extremists in their schools. Kristi also started an organization called Our Schools USA dedicated to empowering parents and students to protect quality public education.The last week has been filled with bad news on the national level. Trump is the ultimate chaos causer and it can be hard to stay positive in the face of his many (many many) harmful policies. But there are a lot of women like Kristi out there making good trouble and standing up to the chaos causers. When they go low, we go local.Let's thank Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde for standing up to Donald Trump and calling for mercy — especially immigrants and LGBTQ+ children. You can add your name to our petition here.For a transcript of this episode, please email theswppod@redwine.blue. You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media! Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

Troublemakers vs Chaos Causers (with Kristi Hirst)

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